Sestina of Hope and Dreams


Those who have loved and lost are multitude.

Amongst these lost souls are many who weep,

anguished in the false belief of no Hope.

Convinced that real joy is only in Dreams,

having been hurt by Life, they grow bitter

and often refuse to unlock their hearts.


A flicker of fire in some of those hearts,

midst the millions of that sad multitude,

remains to instill sweetness in bitter

thoughts and sometimes chase away tears they weep.

Subtle flames kindled in the hearth of Dreams

can rise to new heights and restore lost Hope.


Thus there is infinite power in Hope,

which should not be forsaken by our hearts.

This power, which manifests itself in Dreams,

is a boon to the lonely multitudes –

reminding that nothing comes from weeping,

nor’s accomplished by remaining bitter.


Pain perpetuates itself if bitter

thoughts pervade our Spirit and make us weep

and can deteriorate the strength of Hope.

We must allow faith in our Heart of Hearts

to always restore us – there’s multitude

reasons to hold on to our precious Dreams.


Thus the harbinger of Hope is our Dreams –

bastion of defence against bitter

thoughts which destroy all joy for multitudes.

A senseless loss, destruction of sweet Hope,

which deserves a refuge in all our hearts

and can give sustenance to all who weep.


I think of those who have no Hope and weep

because I know they’ve forsaken their Dreams

and allowed faith to slip from their tired hearts.

Sympathetic to what made them bitter

I can’t condone their rejection of Hope –

that one true saviour of the multitudes.


My prayer is that these bitter multitudes

unlock their hearts and open them to Hope

and with Dreams to bring them smiles, never weep.


Lyle R. Berry



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