A   Cyber  Tale



Lost in deep darkness

in a harsh world,

single ticket to nowhere

wondering on her own.


He turned up from Heaven,

moved by her sad feeling

offered her his friendship

in all that she needed.


“ A good friend” , he said,

later on   “ twin souls”;

to sense then he had failed

for it was more what he felt.


Confusion, fright, happiness:

strange mixture all her became.

No reasoning, no sense,

lost control over her sore heart.


Experiences, hopes, dreams,

smiles, tears and laughter.

They shared their every day lives

so many miles from each other.


They felt, said, cried, confessed.

She had fallen in love and His was hers!

Though they knew they had no future

they built up some happiness day to day..



Of a sudden,

something happened:

her Beloved had vanished…


Forever lost:

her smile with Him gone.





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